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Monday, December 31, 2007

The Secret, S.H.E MV Zui Jin Hai Hao Ma?

Okay, so I've been busy. - Or more like lazy, the vacation started about two weeks ago, in fact it's almost coming to an end. But anyways, here I am.

I just received a new book today, actually my sister did, but it's a present from her to me. So that's good enough for me. :) I heard it's supposed to be really good, it's a best-seller. It's called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, and I can not wait to read it! A friend told me that it practically transformed her life, now I don't know if she is exaggerating, but I guess I'll find out myself.

Besides that not much is happening, except that I am completely hooked on Bull Fighting, in pinyin Dou Niu, Yao Bu Yao and 鬥牛。要不要 in Chinese. Acting-wise it might not be anything Oscar worthy, but still it's quite good, and the storyline is funny, sad and sweet. Plus... I learn some Mandarin while watching. Not to mention the MV that was released not so long ago. S.H.E's song Zui Jin Hai Hao Ma? In English, How are you lately? It's amazing! I love it, I must have listened to it millions of times, yet still, love it. Judge for yourself, I have attached the MV and you can find the song on my playlist.

PS: Happy New Year! I wish everybody a prosperous New Year!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mike He & Hebe Tian Fanvideo

So I've been MIA for about two weeks. I've had a lot to do, basically it has been work, school and shopping for presents. I am glad the vacation is coming up, cause I could really use it right now.

I finished my very first fanvideo today, actually I finished it yesterday, but I uploaded it to youtube today. I'm sort of satisfied with it, but I know it could have been better, if only I had something better than windows' usual crap program (yes, I'm referring to Windows Movie Maker), and some more clips. There have only been 3 episodes of Bull Fighting so far, so the clips are limited as well. I was just going through youtube the other day, trying to find some vids for this drama, when I couldn't find anything. I thought I would wipe up my own, thinking it would take what, an hour? Well it didn't. I think I must have started on Monday.. I have been doing other things since, but it took me much longer than expected still. I like Bull Fighting, it's relatively new actors/actresses, some might say that they are bad, but I like them. I have seen their acting before, and I like to see how they improve from every drama they act in. And no, I have not turned into a Hebe / Mike fan.. I still prefer Mike with Rainie, but I do think Hebe & Mike have chemistry and it was just the first couple on screen, that came into my mind. I have been trying to make a MiSa video for quite a while, but there are just so many episodes and clips that it takes lots of time to find the best scenes, so that video is on hold at the moment.

I have embedded my new fanvid for readers, if any, to see. Kindly leave a comment! (:


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Add it to the list!

Alright, one more blog to add to the list. So far I've got iBlog, MySpace, Facebook and Livejournal. I'm gonna check this out and see what's better.