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Monday, December 31, 2007

The Secret, S.H.E MV Zui Jin Hai Hao Ma?

Okay, so I've been busy. - Or more like lazy, the vacation started about two weeks ago, in fact it's almost coming to an end. But anyways, here I am.

I just received a new book today, actually my sister did, but it's a present from her to me. So that's good enough for me. :) I heard it's supposed to be really good, it's a best-seller. It's called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, and I can not wait to read it! A friend told me that it practically transformed her life, now I don't know if she is exaggerating, but I guess I'll find out myself.

Besides that not much is happening, except that I am completely hooked on Bull Fighting, in pinyin Dou Niu, Yao Bu Yao and 鬥牛。要不要 in Chinese. Acting-wise it might not be anything Oscar worthy, but still it's quite good, and the storyline is funny, sad and sweet. Plus... I learn some Mandarin while watching. Not to mention the MV that was released not so long ago. S.H.E's song Zui Jin Hai Hao Ma? In English, How are you lately? It's amazing! I love it, I must have listened to it millions of times, yet still, love it. Judge for yourself, I have attached the MV and you can find the song on my playlist.

PS: Happy New Year! I wish everybody a prosperous New Year!