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Monday, July 14, 2008

Fated To Love You & Rolling Love Ratings Report

The ratings are out.

FTLY broke their records, again! This time their highest segment was 12.39 and their average jumped quite a bit as well.

The official ratings from Chinatimes Showbiz:

1 命中注定我愛你 Fated To Love You 10.60
2 蜂蜜幸運草 Honey & Clover 0.74
3 翻滾吧蛋炒飯 Rolling Love 0.62

Source: Chinatimes Showbiz


The truth be told, I didn't find yesterday's FTLY episode that exciting because I think the drama is getting draggy, but there were scenes that I enjoyed very much. The XY ringing the doorbell a million times and when Nai Nai, Anson & CX finally found out about Anna's evil doings. On the other hand I find many of the scenes unnecessary, like the blind-date XY went on, I was like, huh?

While I don't particularly care much about Honey & Clover, because I don't find it interesting, I feel sad for DCF/RL! They went in 3rd again. I have only really watched bits of last night's episode, but I don't find it that bad. I mean there are lots of shows that are better, but it's really a shame that the ratings are that low. I hope the ratings will rise next week for the final episode. I mean Michelin leaving, Leng Lie & Xiao Shu finally kissing (although she didn't look particularly into the kiss), Xiao Shu getting her operation etc. - Hopefully they will break 1, but it seems like most people are hooked on FTLY now. DCF fans shouldn't lose hope though, Jia You!