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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Small Announcement + A few AC (Ren Family) clips

I've started writing my possible exam project today, so updates here will be limited. It'll also take me longer to reply the comments I receive (although keep them coming ! I like interacting with other TW drama fans ;) It makes it more fun to embed, share and discuss. Since discussing with myself might raise some eyebrows here and there.. XD )

I will however, embed and be "on the front row" on Sunday when the final episode of AC airs. I'll consider it my break from writing. ;)

Speaking of break, I took a tiny one and youtube'd some AC vids. Came across two BTS clips that I can't remember if I already posted. So I'm just gonna post them again, hope you guys will smile and laugh of our beloved on-screen Ren family like I did.

EDIT: Regarding recaps, someone asked me if I was going to continue my recaps on AC, and my answer is yes.
I will continue the recaps as soon as I have more time. I'm actually writing a recap for ep 4 for at the moment, but I have a tendency to write a lot so I wanna try to make it shorter this time. - Although due to exam project it's on hold..

Clip 1 - VanNess/GX & XXB/XL speaking alien language XD
Credits to MinSquare91Subbing

Clip 2 - click "read more"

Credits to xingandxx - although I think the clip was posted by gar6301 before??

Direct Link

- In the beginning VanNess tells XXB that it's not hygienic to pick his nose :D
- Basically XXB is asked who he thinks it hotter. At first he says to Ady and the director that VanNess is hot, then he says Jerry is pretty hot too, but he also told VanNess that he was hotter. :)
- Ady asks XXB if he will spray water on her, he says he won't, but he does it anyway :)
- XXB enjoys spraying water at "daddy" (VanNess).

I really hope the final episode includes the water spraying scene, the fooling around on the bed scene as well :)
What do you think? There are only 30 mins in episode 21, but I wouldn't mind just watching lovey, dovey scene, since there's been such a lack of them during the last 10-15 episodes.