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Monday, March 01, 2010

Official Ratings - TW

I'm kinda disappointed that AC never got to break 10..
I wish SETTV hadn't split up the episode, cause it seems like there are more viewers at around 11 PM - ish and the episode didn't air for that long..

P.S. Man achieved pretty awesome ratings for a first episode, and with all due respect to everyone who worked on P.S. Man and all their fans, the ratings aren't completely fair. It was another stunt by SETTV and if I could choose, I'd wanna achieve the ratings based on the popularity of the drama. I wouldn't wanna be remembered for getting high ratings because the show that aired before was popular.. But that's just me..

Oh yeah, even though AC didn't break 10, at least they managed to stay no. 1 for 21 weeks, that's an achievement in itself ;D

Official ratings for week 9:
下一站幸福 Autumn's Concerto 8.07
偷心大聖PS男 P.S. Man 4.57
就想賴著妳 Down With Love 2.84
星光下的童話 Because of You 0.46
Source: Chinatimes Showbiz