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Sunday, July 04, 2010

P.S. Man News

There's no preview for episode 20 - as it was never aired.

Also, there are two episodes left of PSM - as the next drama is confirmed to be airing on July 25th. = PSM has 21 episodes.
The new drama is called Zhong Wu Yan "钟无艳"

For now I only know that Cheryl Yang is in it - I'll post more when I know more.


Anonymous said...

for 钟无艳 i found this site....
apparently Ming Dao and the girl from my queen is in it.....
that is the site, there actually isn't much it's about the promotion and it's pretty short,
but if you're interested check it out =)

Anonymous said...

OHHHH... the 2nd main charater from AC (tou ye-> it's splet incorrectly i'm sry.... =() is in 钟无艳 too!
here is the website again,
tho there is not much info on the drama but there are some pics. Take a look if you want ^.^

Anonymous said...

It (钟无艳) doesn't seem bad,here is a brief "thing" (i don't know what word ot use) about it:
and here is a preview:
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/dPAPE5vw1fo/ (the song in the background doesn't sound bad...)
http://www.56.com/u29/v_NTI1NzkyMjY.html (this is like shirley's comment on the character and more info on her character (aka钟无艳)
it seems good =)

Mack91 said...

Thanks for the help! :)
The man who played Tuo Ye is named Chris Wu.