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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love You - Episode 3 (Preview # 1) w. subs

Based on my stats, I can tell that "Love You" is rather popular :)
I'll have to watch it when a few more episodes air, since you guys like it so much ^_^


Thanks to ssodx340371

LOL at the FTLY reference xD

Direct Link

Subs thanks to Snow0512@Asianfanatics:

SJX: Letting you see a free stud show is your gain, but I lost big time!
LXR: It's not interesting to watch at all, alright? I even have to pay money to the temple lady* (not sure) to calm down; worse still I have to go to the opthamologist!

SJX: Ethan Ruan was Fated to Love You, but I, Song Jie Xiu, am Fated to Utter Misfortune!

TAW: What are you guys doing?!

TAW: Isn't Jie Xiu a bit overly concerned for her?

MJ: I'm sorry that I have to do this kind of thing to you upon the first time we meet.
Peggy: Hey, open the door!
MJ: Ms Peggy, don't panic! If you panic, I'll panic along with you! (*same word is used for the urge to go to the loo...)

LXR: Did you see that? Even you know Yi Xiang doesn't eat seafood; yet Peggy's feeding him prawns!

RYX: So what? Can we only be together if she knows me as well as you do?

Peggy: If she won't give up like she says, can you be sure that you will not waver?
RYX: Isn't this kind of guarantee enough?!

SJX: Now all Ren Yi Xiang has to do is to sneeze and he can blow you anywhere. An amoeba that is without dignity and is merely shaped by others like you is the lowest form of life in love.

LXR: Even if I die, I'll go to a scenic place and not die at your house!
SJX: Lin Xiao Ru!