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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Love You - Episode 6 (Preview # 2)

New preview is out:

Thanks to SETTV

Direct Link

XR: 也许是你得好让我一时晕船. (Maybe it’s your goodness that is letting me to be momentarily dizzy (seasick.))
不小心划过那条不该侵犯的安全线. (Not being careful, (I’ve) streaked past that should-not-be-breached safety line.)

AW: 林晓如,我只是请你代为保管 (Lin Xiao Ru, I only asked you to take care (of my property) on my behalf)
没有要你占为己有 (not wanting you to take (it) for yourself.)
还说什么保证不会抢人家东西 (Besides (you) said something about guaranteeing (that you) will not snatch people’s things.)
你到底在期待些什么啊 (What, actually, are you expecting?)
请你立刻跟杰修离婚 (Please immediately divorce Jie Xiu.)

XR: 我想我应该安分守己 (I think I must be true to myself (i.e. abide by the agreement and behave))
把你借给我的幸福还给你 (returning you the happiness you lent me.)

Credits to Teratai