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Monday, February 01, 2010

Autumn's Concerto Episode 19 (Preview # 2)

OMG! No !!
Urgh! Why isn't today Sunday?!

Credits to gar0922

Direct Link

Preview w. subs

Rough translation, click "read more".

GX: Your kiss, is it all real ?
MC: Of course it is...
TuoYe: I'm gonna kill you (?)
Bin: Brother has killed Fang Ge and is going to turn himself in now.
GX: Is he really that important to you?!
If you're really going to go look for the Gardener, you and I are done...


Unknown said...

omggggggg. noooo! guang xi gets jealous easily! haha poop head! let her explainn?!?!?! mu chen tell/assure him that you dont like tuo ye!! come on! lol cannnnot wait for this episode :))