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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mike He & Hebe Tian Fanvideo

So I've been MIA for about two weeks. I've had a lot to do, basically it has been work, school and shopping for presents. I am glad the vacation is coming up, cause I could really use it right now.

I finished my very first fanvideo today, actually I finished it yesterday, but I uploaded it to youtube today. I'm sort of satisfied with it, but I know it could have been better, if only I had something better than windows' usual crap program (yes, I'm referring to Windows Movie Maker), and some more clips. There have only been 3 episodes of Bull Fighting so far, so the clips are limited as well. I was just going through youtube the other day, trying to find some vids for this drama, when I couldn't find anything. I thought I would wipe up my own, thinking it would take what, an hour? Well it didn't. I think I must have started on Monday.. I have been doing other things since, but it took me much longer than expected still. I like Bull Fighting, it's relatively new actors/actresses, some might say that they are bad, but I like them. I have seen their acting before, and I like to see how they improve from every drama they act in. And no, I have not turned into a Hebe / Mike fan.. I still prefer Mike with Rainie, but I do think Hebe & Mike have chemistry and it was just the first couple on screen, that came into my mind. I have been trying to make a MiSa video for quite a while, but there are just so many episodes and clips that it takes lots of time to find the best scenes, so that video is on hold at the moment.

I have embedded my new fanvid for readers, if any, to see. Kindly leave a comment! (: