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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Bull Fighting - Fanfiction & Lydia's funeral

I'm planning on writing a fanfiction on my latest fanvideo starring Hebe and Mike. I have actually begun writing it, but it will probably take a while. I'm bringing a note book with me to France, but the chances of me actually using it are pretty slim. However, I'll figure something out. I hope to post it before Easter or at least during Easter break, but we'll see. In the meantime enjoy episode 16 tomorrow, and the lovely picture of MeBe :) The scene is really sweet.

Side track, Lydia Shum Tin-Ha was burried in Cananda Wednesday March 27 at approx. 10 AM (Canadian Time). Lydia was laid to rest beside her parents in Forest Lawn cemetery in Burnaby, a suburb of Vancouver. Despite it being a private funeral, it still attracted a lot of reporters especially from HK. May she rest in peace, she was and will still be a memorable person for people all over the globe.