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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Zhong Wu Yan - Episode 19 (Final Episode!)

Ok, so apparently this is the final episode of ZWY.. I had no idea, I was told ZWY was rumoured to have more than 20 episodes - I suppose the rumours were wrong. Well, my apologies, I promised I'd keep an eye out, but it totally slipped past me. I'll update the blog with the upcoming dramas as well.

Tudou version:

Part A
Part B
Part C

Youtube version:

Thanks to sugoideas
Part 1/5

Direct Link

Part 2/5

Direct Link

Part 3/5

Direct Link

Part 4/5

Direct Link

Part 5/5

Direct Link


Cerulean said...

Noooooo Zhong Wu Yan can't end!


Mack91 said...

I think I'm gonna find Chris Wu's character more likeable in ZWY than in AC. I mean, I really did like him there too, his love and dedication to MC was very sweet, but at some points he just got really annoying. He was so rash and some times he should've minded his own business.

Cerulean said...

I liked Wu Kang Ren in AC more than ZWY, because he's a country bumpkin, mama's boy and he fits it perfectly. ^_^ True, he was sometimes rash, but that's part of his character, and yes, he was also sometimes annoying and intrusive, but if he wasn't then he'd be The Perfect Guy, and there wouldn't be anybody on Team Guang Xi. XD I liked him more anyway though, because perfect people bug me, and his hair was cooler than Van Ness's anyway. :D

In ZWY he had a bigger part (I pretty much skipped everything except his scenes. XD I never really liked Yang Jin Hua or the loser who has awful hair and couldn't act to save his life. :P), and I think he played blind/angry/sad scenes really well, though I thought he was weak portraying his like of Wu Yan, and being the rich CEO.

But his acting keeps on getting better and better, and I hope he's in a lot more dramas in the future. :D

Wu Kang Ren, jia yo!! ^_^

Mack91 said...

I didn't find GuangXi perfect in AC, he was just as rash and sometimes a bit annoying as well.

Can't comment on Chris' acting in ZWY though.. Although based on the few previews I saw, I was very much on his side as well. - Ming Dao was far too bubbly for my taste.

Cerulean said...

I thought Guang Xi was far more annoying than Tuo Ye and didn't deserve Mu Cheng at all, but he's the one that she picked, (plus he's a filthy rich bad boy, which never hurts) so everybody sided with him....But I always thought there must've been something screwy in Mu Cheng's head for *not* falling for Tuo Ye (even Xiao Le liked him). Sorry, I have Second Male Lead syndrome; it just bugs me *so much* that the awesome, kind, loyal, chivalrous, and often handsomer best friend always gets passed up for the rich guy who's a jerk for the majority of the series. >_< I will remain loyal to Tuo Ye to my grave!! *crazed look in eye*

Hahah, sorry. AC ended ages ago and I'm still ranting on it....anyways. I'm done. Thanks for listening, person on the other side of the planet. :)

Regarding Ming Dao....he makes me want to headdesk every time I see his face. Not only is he a rich jerk, he also has the maturity of a 5-year-old, he's not funny, and I HATE HIS HAIR. >_<

To end this little rantish comment on a high note though, if you'd like to see Wu Kang Ren being awesome, check out this scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPw5zaLgUQU&feature=player_embedded I think twins in any drama is kinda cheesy, but it means twice as much of Tuo Ye (Yes, I will be calling him that for the rest of my life XD) so I'm not complaining. :D

Mack91 said...

Cerulean, you certain have the second male lead syndrome ;) I didn't think GuangXi was that bad. Yes, he was totally stupid and annoying too, but I did prefer him and MC. - I think their chemistry was better, although Tuo Ye definitely deserved someone too.

I did get the same impression of Ming Dao based on the previews, and if there is anything I don't like it's immature men. It's just so unsexy! :)

LOL, I'll check out the video.

Cerulean said...

Yeah, it's a curse....I am forever doomed to be unsatisfied with drama endings and left to make up fantasies of my own (Can you imagine Mu Cheng falling in love with Tuo Ye? Perfectest little family ever :D) that will unfortunately never happen. T_T

I mean, I didn't *hate* GuangXi cause his little impish smile is awesome (and have you seen his dancing in the BTS? Makes me laugh like crazy every single time XD) and he *is* more "refined". But throughout the series, I liked Tuo Ye better because he's just a thoroughly nice, completely loyal and pretty funny guy, and for me, that trumps fancy clothes and lawyer vocabularies. Mu Cheng and Guang Xi's chemistry *was* better, because of the script and that's the way the story goes (they're supposed to end up together). But I think that if Mu Cheng had fallen for Tuo Ye instead, their chemistry would've been just as good, if not better. ^_^

Oh, and I'm glad they gave Tuo Ye a girl at the end (though it seemed a little who perfect), though I was disappointed that it was Ci Xin, cause she is just *not right* for my Tuo Ye. Bleh. -__-

Well immaturity isn't all bad; it's just that in Ming Dao's case he was *never* mature and made his childishness annoying rather than cute or endearing, which I've seen other actors do.

Mack91 said...

To be honest, the chemistry between MC and TY wasn't as good as the chemistry between GX and MC in my book. - And I don't blame the script for that.. The thing that caught my attention in the trailers for AC were their chemistry, so even if Chris Wu had played GX I would probably still have preferred VanNess.

Nah, I dislike immature guys. - I even dislike immature girls/woman. I prefer when they act like adults and are strong - with a soft (and romantic) side.

Cerulean said...

I liked Tuo Ye's character more than the actor actually, hahah, so if Chris Wu had played GX I wouldn't have liked him. But I still think that if TY and MC had had a romantic relationship, their chemistry would have been better than GX and MC....But eh, speculating is useless. AC's over, I should probably move on with my life.... :)

Well, people who are nice but mature and serious *24/7* would get really tiring after a while--Sometimes it's good to be a little silly, mischievous, and clueless. Being that all the time, like Ming Dao, would drive you crazy, but just a little makes the person kinda cute and fun. ^_^