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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Song Of The Day # 4

Today I'd like to share a song from S.H.E's new album "FM S.H.E".
I know I promised a million years ago to post a translated list of the songs, well I never got around to do that, but I found a list online :)

The song I want to share is called "Dawn" or "The Day is Broken" I'm not quite sure, since the two titles have different meanings, but something along those lines anyway.

S.H.E - 天亮了- Tian Liang Le (Dawn) - Megaupload

Remember to support S.H.E by buying their album !

As for the full list:

  1. 早安您好 (Hello Morning)
  2. 我愛煩惱 (I Love Trouble)
  3. 宇宙小姐 (Miss Universe)
  4. 沿海公路的出口 (Coastal Highway Exit)
  5. 天亮了 (The Day's Broken/Dawn)
  6. 比你賤 (Worst Than You) (featuring 周定伟)
  7. 喜碧夫人時間 (Mrs Hebe's Time)
  8. 女孩當自強 (When The Girl Strives to be Independent)
  9. 安靜了 (Silenced)
  10. 我是火星人 (I'm A Martian)
  11. 612星球 (Planet 612)
  12. 店小二 (Waiter)
  13. 熬夜DJ (Overnight DJ)
  14. 月光手札 (Moonlight Holograph)
  15. 酸甜 (Sweet and Sour) (featuring Fahrenheit)
Credits to wikipedia