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Monday, February 15, 2010

Autumn's Concerto Episode 20 (Preview # 3)

Happy Lunar New Year!

Finally something related to AC, I think two weeks is TORTURE!

Youku link

Credits to chingyuntu

Direct Link

Did I mention I love XL and he's so cute? I love MC's expression.

Rough translation click "read more"

MC: What should I cook for GuangXi and Uncle Gary tomorrow?
XL: Beef rice! Then GuangXi will be really happy and then you had XiaoLe!
Da Zai (TuoYe) help me ! (?)
TY: Have you ever told him how much you care about him? When you were afraid/scared it was Ren GuangXi who gave you courage, but now that he's afraid/scared shouldn't it be your turn to give Ren GuangXi courage?