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Sunday, August 22, 2010

CTV Announcement - Four Gifts

As some of you might know Scent of Love ended about 2 weeks ago, but we have not heard or seen any new dramas airing.
This is because CTV is taking a short break from idol dramas, perhaps due to SOL's low ratings, or maybe they just wanna air other things..

Anyways, a new drama will air in mid September. It's called "女王不下班" Literally translated to "Queen Not Getting Off Work". But the English name is: Four Gifts
The cast consists of:

- Nicholas Teo
- Hsiu Chieh Kai
- Lee Kang Yi
- Cynthia Wang

You can read a news article about the drama here.

Short teaser:
Thanks to gar8513

Direct Link

I'll post more info as it's released.